Photo of Carmen Mendoza Paraguay

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Paraguay, was born in Asunción on July 12, 1984.

From an early age I stand in the visual arts. At the end of high school (2002), I enrolled at the Institute of Fine Arts, graduated in 2008, receiving the title of Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts, majoring in painting.


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23.62 x 23.62 in
7.87 x 15.75 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
78.74 x 39.37 in
78.74 x 31.50 in
31.50 x 19.69 in
23.62 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 15.75 in
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Photo of Carmen Mendoza Paraguay

Paraguay, was born in Asunción on July 12, 1984.

From an early age I stand in the visual arts. At the end of high school (2002), I enrolled at the Institute of Fine Arts, graduated in 2008, receiving the title of Senior Lecturer in Visual Arts, majoring in painting.

In 2005 part of the painting Contracorriente group, under the tutelage of artist Isabel de Anda. Taking as an ideology of live painting, showing the creative process of the work. Walking inside the country (Paraguay).


- "A View of 2003 ". ISBA Year 1 of the School of Visual Arts.

- Countercurrent Group:

Painting the Spring 2005 World of Paper.

Painting Casona, Casona de Comecipar 2005.

Painting the Sun, Shopping del Sol, Martha Manchini Gallery 2005.

Painting in Aregua. Gallery The Cantaro 2005.

San Bernardino. Yacht Club of San Bernardino 2006.

Curuguaty, Municipality of Curuguaty 2006.

Concepción, Concepción Municipality 2006.

Digital Magazine Launch, Juan de Salazar Cultural Centre 2006.

- "The Art of Being a Bank" Year 4 Arts, Cultural Center Citibank 2007.

- "Organic Lines" 1 semester of year 5 of the ISBA 2008.

My paintings are impressionistic style, the most frequent subjects are landscapes, still lifes and flowers.

Realize pastels and graphite, also took four murals made ​​with the technique of sgraffito.

I currently work independently conducting projects and paintings request.

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